Happy Cow Product List
Friday, September 12th, 2014The Happy Cow is now open for business with a new and extended product inventory.
Contact: Pastor Larry Grahn, 330.575.6331, larry.grahn@gmail.com
LOMA LINDA canned food:
- Big Franks
- Big Franks, Low Fat
- Linketts
- Little Links
- Big Franks – Family Service
- Fried Chik’n with Gravy
- Redi-Burger
- Swiss Steak
- Tender Bits
- Tender Rounds
- Vege-Burger
WORTHINGTON canned food:
- Fri-Chik -Family Service
- Fri-Chik
- Fri-Chik, Low Fat
- Prime Stakes
- Scallops
- Vegetarian Burger
- Chili
- Choplets
- Diced Chik
- Veja Link
- Super Link
- Veja Link, Low Fat
- Roma
- Saucettes
- Veg. Steaks
- Chic-kett Roll
- Chicken Roll
- Corned Beef Roll
- Smoked Turkey Roll
- Wham Roll
- Dinner Roast
- Leanies
- Prosage Links
- Prosage Roll
- Stakelets
- Stripples
CEDAR LAKE – canned
- Chops
- Nutabella (like Numete)
- Bakon Hickory Smoke
- Companion Cha’i Pow Yu
- G.W. Washington Brown
- G.W. Washington Golden
- Heritage – Corned Beef Slices, frozen
- Heritage – Ham Slices, frozen
- Heritage – Turkey Slices, frozen
- Heritage – Chicken Slices, frozen
- Lindsay – Green Olives
- Morning Star – Grillers
- Pa’s Pickle Discs
- Pa’s Salsa – Garden Fresh
- Pa’s Salsa – Artichoke Garlic
- McKay’s – Chicken Seasoning, vegan
The HAPPY COW invites you to stop by the barn
- Hours: Wednesday, 5:30 – 6:30 PM
- Other church events – Goldenaires, Church Board Meeting,
- Church Business Meetings, Adventurers, Pathfinders,
- and other events as announced.
The Loma Linda and Worthington canned and some frozen
Items are campmeeting specials. Supply limited.