What to Expect
If you are attending the Akron First Seventh-day Adventist church for the first time, you can expect the same thing that many now look forward to each and every week. A place to continually grow in the life that we’ve been created to live in relationship with Jesus.
Attending a Saturday morning worship service is one of the best ways to learn more about the Akron First Seventh-day Adventist Church. Greeters will welcome you at the door, providing you with a bulletin and answering your questions.
When are your Service Times?
Saturday mornings: 9:30 a.m. for Bible Study (Sabbath School) and 11:00 a.m for Worship Service.
How long does the Worship Service last?
About 75 minutes. Sometimes a little longer on special occasions such as with Eastor or Christmas.
What are your services like?
Our services typically begin with a time of singing, praise, and worship (led by our worship team) followed by prayers, the offering, scripture reading, and sermon. We invite you to participate in our Christ centered worship and a study of God’s Word.
Where are you located?
655 East Waterloo Road Akron, OH 44306-3934. You can find directions to our church here.
What should I wear?
While there’s no formal dress code at our church, yo will typically find men wearing everything from khakis and shirts to suits and ties. Women generally wear pants, skirts or dresses. Most importantly, though, we look forward to seeing you, it does not matter what you are wearing.
What is there for my children?
Based on age or year in school, your children will be assigned to an appropriate Sabbath School class. We have classes available for all ages (0 months to 8th grade) during the 9:30 a.m. service. At the 11:00 a.m. worship service we encourage your children to join us in the sanctuary. If needed, a mother’s room with a video feed of the service is available.