10 Days of Prayer

10 days of prayer in the new year! Let’s unite in prayer for 30 minutes daily starting starting tomorrow, January the 8th to 18th. We have the opportunity to join with our worldwide Adventist church family during these 10 days of prayer to pray for revival! Praying for the Holy Spirit to bless us, our families, our communities, and church will make a difference this year to lead us to be salt where people will thirst for Jesus as they encounter us – that is our prayer so that we can fulfill our mission to love people and share Jesus!

Prayer sessions will be by Zoom and there will be multiple session each day. Sessions scheduled are below:

* 6:00 AM – English
* 4:00 PM – Kinyarwanda
* 6:00 PM – English
* 7:00 PM – English
* 7:00 PM – Karen
* 7:30 PM – English

If you have not received the Zoom login information for a session please reach out to akron1stbulletin@yahoo.com

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