Worship Service Canceled for 9/19/20
Our worship service for tomorrow morning (9/19) is canceled. We have been fortunate the last few months that Mayfair Christian School has been gracious in allowing us to meet in their facility while we renovate our church home. Over the last few days two positive cases of COVID-19 have been identified in individuals associated with Mayfair. Consequently, out of an abundance of caution, the decision has been made to not meet in person this Saturday. Expect to hear more early next week on how we will worship together on Saturday (9/26).
This Sabbath please be sure to join us on for one of our virtual “Church Connect” small groups or children Sabbath School classes. In addition, you can view one of our worship services from this year at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8FPX7520pC4qI5GHsid66w on YouTube.
Please continue to pray for Mayfair and our church family as we navigate through this pandemic. We have been blessed to be able to fellowship together during this COVID crisis, either in person or virtually online as a church family. God is good and we give thanks for the protection he has provided for us.