Walk to Stop Hunger
Saturday, April 24th, 2010Hunger is one small word that affects many people in Northeast Ohio. And we can help fight it. On May 2, 2010 the Akron First Seventh-day Adventist Church will join others in our community in a Walk to Stop Hunger. The Walk to Stop Hunger, organized by the Akron Area Interfaith Council, is a 2 ½ mile walk in support of feeding those who are hungry in our local community. The demand for emergency food assistance is at an extremely high level due to the economic situation and high rates of unemployment. The Walk to Stop Hunger will raise awareness of hunger in our community and raise money to help feed people through donations to the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank.
How can you help? Volunteer to get outside, have fun, and join us for a walk on Sunday, May 2nd to stop hunger. Let Lela Brown or Tamara Franke know if you’d like to walk and represent our church at this event. The event will begin at 2pm on May 2nd with registration, followed by the walk at 3pm, and a soup social afterwards for all participants. Visit www.aaicwalktostophunger.org for more details.
Support your walkers! All walkers are collecting donations in support of their walk to stop hunger. Sign up to sponsor a walker on the sheets posted in the church lobby or talk to any participating walker. 100% of the money donated will go directly to the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank. Every dollar counts. The Foodbank can purchase seven meals for every dollar donated! Help us fight hunger and feed people in our community.